These cherries found their way home with Woody on his weekly shopping trip to Walmart. Yummy! I decided that they needed to be photographed before they got eaten. What made me decide to take some pictures was the one cherry that still had a leaf on its stem. Before going to Walmart and the library Woody walked four miles. I didn't get up and moving as quickly as I have been lately as I had a problem with my eye in the middle of the night...and when it happens I have to try to go back to sleep till it stops hurting and I can open it. Unfortunately this time it happened three different I kept dozing back off till I could open it. This hadn't happened in some time for which I am thankful. I woke up with my saline drops in my lap with the lid off...I remember putting drops in, but I must have dozed off again before I got the lid back on. My eye has been ok after it finally quit hurting...only problem left is blurry vision which usually clears up in a day or so. Once I got up, I worked in the kitchen cleaning it up a bit...something that I was too tired to do yesterday after I finally got the lasagna done. Woody had done most of the clean up yesterday, but there were still a few things that I needed to do. Graham came over with a "bug zapper" trying to get rid of a "family" of fruit flies that decided to take up residence in the kitchen. He stayed for a while ridding us of quite a few and left me the zapper to get any other strays! Well...I have used it several times...and, EVERY time that it makes the loud zap noise it makes me jump and yelp! Not sure that I was cut out to use a bug zapper! My other major task of the day was to go through our cabinet shelves that serve as our pantry. I had some time ago made a list of what was on those shelves and my plan was to mark off or add to said list every time I used something or we bought something. I had kept up pretty well for a while, but lately I had noticed that when the list said that we had something that it wasn't always on the shelves. The list had been marked on so much that I needed a new one got down on the floor and pulled things off the shelves and re-inventoried using an iPad app and then transferred the list over to our laptop and printed off a new list. So cabinet cleaning continues...but this time it was redoing one that I had already done! Woody has read, watched a library DVD or two and done crossword puzzles today. I rested this afternoon in "my" chair and talked to my sister for a while. We needed to catch up...we hadn't talked in a few days! Well, Elijah has just come for me to go over and look at Esther's birthday cake. Her big day is tomorrow!
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