Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Sense of Order?


Here is evidence that the sense of order is different from one person to another.  Dr. Maria Montessori wrote about a child's sense of order and I see this in Joy's arrangement of the apples in the bowl versus my arrangement.  When I place them in the bowl I like to have them look like they have just been poured into the bowl and fell "wherever."  But, if,  I arrange them "my way" I will inevitably find them in a day or so arranged Joy's way...with the red apples in the center and the others circling the red ones.  I had dusted the apples and bowl that sit on our kitchen table last week and wondered how long it would take for Joy to change the arrangement...and sure enough it only took a day or two for Joy to notice and arrange them "her way."  It is fun to watch children, as most do have a very definite sense of order.  I see this daily as I work with them with the Montessori equipment that we have.  When I have had the children put out various decorative items around the house, I notice that they tend to line things up...and I tend to want them haphazard (at least to them, I am sure that my arrangements seem me there is a plan and a reason for trying to make them not look lined up)!  I guess my sense of order has been lost...or perhaps it has just reached a different level!

We didn't have school today as Nathan and Kathy and children had a funeral to attend.  So I got up and got back to work on Isaac's quilt top.  I have managed to cut some strips and attach them to the bottom of four of the zoo animal squares.  I am far...with the way the pieces are going together.  After lunch Woody went to do his weekly Krogering and I went to work in the church library.  When I got home I had to rest for a back wasn't happy.  Woody went for a four mile walk while I rested.  After resting I went back to piecing Isaac's quilt top. I think that I have done enough of whatever for today.  I think that the rest of the day will be sitting for me.  I hear the TV going probably Woody is multitasking between watching TV and reading a book and settling in for the evening.

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