Monday, September 29, 2014

Usin' Those Muscles!

This morning Woody got up early and went on a six-mile walk.  He had been postponing his walks due to the pollen count, but he "said" that today that the pollen count was down so he went early.  I notice, though, that he did have to come and get an allergy perhaps later in the day is better?

This morning the children and I had a normal Monday school day.  Not long after Isaac came and had gotten to work, Goosey (Woody) stuck his head in the school room door and told Isaac that he had a job for him when he finished his school time.  Well, it was hard to keep him the whole time after that because he was so curious as to what Goosey wanted him to do!  Isaac arrived this morning telling me all about his "muscle shirt."  Little did he know that Goosey was going to test out those muscles for the job he had for him!  Goosey and Isaac went for a drive to gather pine he helped Goosey fill up lots of Kroger and Walmart bags with pine straw and then they came back and Isaac carried those bags to the places that Goosey had seeded with grass seed. Then, I think, that Goosey took over and spread the pine straw.  Take note of who is doing all of the work of lugging those bags.  I love the picture of his daddy and all of his sibblings except  baby Joseph and his mommy following him...nary a one carrying a bag!  I think that Isaac slept well for his afternoon nap! I will say that Nathan had come over to get a picture of Isaac and that several of the others were outside practicing their unicycles, Elijah had just finished school with me and Esther was on her way over to read with me...and I had her turn back so she could be in the picture. Abigail worked some more on the dress that she is making for herself...hopefully it will get finished before the end of long-sleeved weather! Graham read to me and Elijah had his long Grammy time after lunch.  I rested for a while and then headed downstairs to fix a dish for our supper... something that he hadn't had in a long time...a hash brown casserole...yummy!  My change to this recipe was to use my homemade cream of chicken it took a bit longer than the recipe used to take. Over the weekend I stewed a chicken and also made some more liquid gold/chicken stock.  Tomorrow I will make chicken noodle soup.  I told Woody that perhaps that was what he needed for his allergy ailment...good ol' chicken soup...a cure-all-of all cure-alls!?!

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