Monday, March 16, 2015

Happy Birthday, DQ!

We'll gladly celebrate Dairy Queen's 75th birthday with a free small cone. If you hurry there's still time to enjoy their birthday celebration! It was a perfect dessert after our soup for supper! This morning Woody went to Life Care Center and had Bible study with one of their residents. Then on the way home he stopped and got us Arby roast beef sandwiches...something to add iron to his diet! I'll gladly go along with some extra iron in my diet too! Good lunch. I ate my sandwich while sitting on the front porch on the glider...Spring actually decided to show up today. It was a really pretty to the mid 70's. Woody did some yard work...cutting back dead growth from some of our perennials...getting ready for all that new growth. He also helped in the kitchen today...washing some dishes. And, he got in a four-mile walk this afternoon. I cleaned a bathroom and did some vacuuming upstairs. I was able to vacuum the upstairs hall now that the Christmas boxes are put away. I also vacuumed the school room, sewing room, and our bedroom and bath. I have now taken the vacuum downstairs so I can vacuum the kitchen floor so I can mop it. I will tell a funny story that I was told one time. I used to belong to an embroidery group in Murfreesboro. We really had a good time getting together once a month. One of the members used to say that she only mopped her floor when it got so bad that the floor would pull her socks off. Well...ours is almost that bad so guess it is time to mop! I also put away all the snowman pillows, covers, and the snowman on the table on the front porch...figured that they had brought us enough snow and that we really don't need any more. So I got out the spring/summer/fall pillows and put them on the rockers and glider and also found a spring decoration for the the porch is ready so we can "set awhile!" Like I said, I ate lunch out there and then later in the afternoon when taking a break from vacuuming I sat and read and watched the birds in the yard...even got a couple of pictures of some birds.Several robins and a sparrow enjoyed the birdbath. We won't be "porch sitting" tomorrow...we will be "Vanderbilt sitting." Woody's appointments start mid-morning and his last one is after we will see how long we will be there. I did manage to get the rest of my pictures sorted a clean slate...that is until I "dumped" the pictures that I took today so I could post tonight's photo! Well, time to get some exercise! Time for Dancing With the Stars.

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