Monday, August 31, 2015

August Bids Us Goodbye

Busy day around the house. I continued with windows. I did the larger of the two kitchen windows. Starting the windows in the house means that I have to deal with curtains...that meant taking down the curtains. Cleaning the windows and running the curtains around in the drier to get them a bit more dust free. Then this particular pair of curtains needed some attention to the top as they kept drooping and had been bothering me for some time. So I took them upstairs and ironed the tops with some spray starch...much better after I got them back up! I ran into a problem with the window when I attempted to open it to clean kept coming out of the frame. I emailed the window to ask what I needed to do and they very promptly emailed me back. They had a video to watch and I got this particular window fixed...all by myself as Woody had disappeared. Isaac helped me with part of my window washing...he's a good little helper. Yesterday we had a "drop food on the kitchen floor" in dropping a container of Woody's coleslaw (wasn't me!). Anyway, yesterday the floor got a good clean kitchen floor and one clean window. Let's see Cheryl arrives two weeks from this rate I don't think that I can/could get all the windows finished! Really not trying to do them all...just some that really need doing. There probably won't be any window washing tomorrow as we head off in the morning to Vanderbilt. Woody walked this morning...I'm not sure how far and I'm not where I can ask him. He also went to Life Care Center to do Bible study with Jeff. Guess I will be turning pages over in calendars tomorrow and spending time in waiting rooms at Vandy. I'll report on our day tomorrow evening.

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