Thursday, August 20, 2015

Busy, Busy!

Tonight's title describes this little house wren (or another one that looks just like her) and the Dorrell households! I'm not sure how many little ones the house wren is attempting to keep fed...but from the sounds of all the peeps that there are quite a few of them in their nest within the bird house. And, between the two Dorrell households we are kept busy with little and big children and just with our daily doings. Today Woody started his day out with a four-mile walk. After lunch, he walked to the barbershop. I had the normal crew filter through the house for school. Abigail had her sewing time with me today. We worked on her notebook and then we made buttonholes in her brother's backpacks made from now all the children have backpacks made for their trip to more thing accomplished toward getting ready for their Poland trip. After lunch Graham came over for his reading time. Then Elijah came over to make plans for making a tooth fairy pillow...he discovered last night that one of his teeth is loose. Mid afternoon Woody went next door to take care of the children while Kathy and Nathan ran a few errands and then had an early date night...Woody got home a little while ago. Several of the children decided to come over here to finish up their school work or to just read before they had supper. Then I got a call from Melany. She and Wade had just returned from delivering Alex to the Tennessee Tech campus. She was/is a little sad about her "baby" going off to college. But she won't have much time to pine away as she will be adding her college evening adjunct classes into her already busy schedule of teaching elementary school kids all day...makes my head spin just thinking about it...around 8 hours with elementary school kids and then three hours four evenings a week and three hours on Saturday with college students...she will be definitely busy, busy! We had a little rain today, but not nearly as much as we had Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Hopefully we are heading towards a bit drier next few days. The children enjoyed getting to play outside some today...being cooped up all day with all that energy is just not fun! Proud of my seven little students as we have had a good week at Grammy's school...we all made it through our first four day school week. Tomorrow...Grammy recoups...maybe!

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