Thursday, November 12, 2015

Typical Thursday

Pretty humdrum around here most of our days...and that is really a good thing when one lives in a house with a stage-4 melanoma patient. We like run-of-the-mill kind of days in comparison to some of the days that we have been through in the past seven years. We are almost to the seven-year anniversary of the phone call from Woody's surgeon saying that his melanoma had returned...which put him at stage-4 because it had spread beyond the original tumor. And, at that time most of the doctors, if they would say, said that he had less than a year to live. So he has definitely proved them wrong on that point! But in proving them wrong he has been through so many things...tried just about everything that he was offered. I do believe that God had his hand in all this and decided that it was time for a miracle! We like miracles! I had preschool with Joseph and Isaac this morning. Then Elijah, Joy, Abigail came over and read to me and then Esther came for her sewing time. She is doing counted cross stitching at this time...a very slow process, but she is enjoying watching the progress of her work as the picture grows. Today when her fingers grew tired, she looked through some of the many, many, many cross stitch books that I have. She found a picture that she wants to is pretty big, but she was really set on giving it a try. While I was having school, Woody, Kathy, and some of the children were frantically trying to blow more leaves to our curbs as the leaf machine was back in our neighborhood...and when the leaf machine is here one wants to get it to pick up as many leaves as possible. Last night we had some pretty strong winds and lots more blew down. I looked out once when I heard the wind pick up and the leaves were just raining down. "If only" that wind could have blown them all down...but these oaks are stubborn about releasing all their leaves...they will hold on to some till the new ones come on in spring. But at least more were blown and raked to the curb. The leaf truck didn't make it all the way to our houses, but hopefully tomorrow they will be back. When Esther headed home at lunch time, Goosey (Woody) headed to her house also. This is Thursday and Thursday is "date day or night" for Nathan and Kathy. Today was a "date day" and Woody stayed next door for a couple of hours. After lunch I got back to my sewing. I sat down in my comfy recliner to baste something and the next thing I knew I was waking up from a pretty deep sleep...hadn't planned on that! When I did wake up I got busy again with my sewing. We had leftover soup for supper...when sewing I like seems to be an interruption! I have made a couple of trips downstairs to do a couple loads of wash. In that wash I am washing spring/summer clothing of mine so I can put it away for the winter. The predicted temperatures say that I'm not going to be needing them for a while. Of course, if I need them I know where they are! There is a freeze watch out for our county for tonight...I think that I will stay inside and not watch...if it comes it comes! I am going to go downstairs and mention this watch to Woody and see if he wants to cover anything tonight. Well, back to sewing...or maybe I'll take a break before I start making mistakes and read for a while. I am about finished with a book that I borrowed from a friend and would like to take it back to her on Sunday. Plus I "could" study my Sunday School lesson some more (I have been doing a little on it the last couple of days) as I am to teach on Sunday. Lots of options to occupy my evening!

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