Friday, July 29, 2016

Remission Continues!

As the title shows, we have good news to share. Nothing showed on either the MRI or PET scans that indicate that Woody's melanoma has reared its ugly head again. We left the house a little after 5am and were home by 10:30am...spent more time on the road than at Vanderbilt this time. Everything was ahead of schedule. We were actually walking out of Dr. Wyman's office at the time that his appointment was scheduled. He doesn't have to go back for three months. And, Dr. Wyman has only scheduled a CT scan at that time rather than a PET scan. He couldn't believe that our insurance approved the one that Woody had on Tuesday. Dr. Sosman had scheduled that one before he left Vandy. Dr. Sosman had told us at that time that probably insurance would not approve a PET scan after the one that Woody had this past Tuesday. In three months, appointments for labs, scan, and doctor are all on the same day, which we like rather than having to make two trips in the same week like this time. But it will mean having to start out even earlier than we did today as Dr. Wyman only has early morning to get ahead of his appointment we will have to be in the lab waiting room by 6:30am. It was really nice to get home before noon today. I was still beat and ended up taking a pretty good nap this afternoon. We are so thankful for Woody's good report and are thankful for thoughts and prayers that have come our way!

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