Wednesday, July 20, 2016


Even the little birdie looks hot! I am still intrigued with the baby birds in the nest that I can watch from our front porch. They are still pretty weak and don't have many feathers yet. This little guy sat there with his mouth wide open along with his eyes...then slowly his eyes would shut...and his little head would flop down. Hard work waiting on his mom to come back to the nest! Woody did his usual Wednesday Krogering, but added two other stops. He also went to the library to get a book that had come in that he requested and he stopped at the farmer's market that is open Wednesday morning during the times that fruits and veggies are ripening for harvest. Today he got peaches, corn and something that we have never had before: kohlrabi. I have a recipe in the spiralizing cookbook that Melany and Wade gave me for Christmas. I am supposed to put these through the spiralizer and get spaghetti like strands...we'll see! After lunch, I headed off to the church library per usual. After Donna got there, we decided to go attempt to buy two office chairs that we had been wanting for the library. We were successful! The boxes are sitting in the church office awaiting our church "master-of-all-trades" to find the time to put them together for us. These are going to help us out so much at the computer desk and also behind the desk. On my way home from the library I stopped at Walmart to purchase Clorox wipes and hand sanitizer. Our church has been asked to purchase these items for the "Better Together Back To School" Program that our town provides for the families who can't provide their own school supplies. Different churches provide different things to put in backpacks for the children This Sunday is the "big bash" where all the children and families come and get filled back packs of supplies and then have lots of fun and games...there are even people there to cut hair and do nails...quite a bash to get the children all ready to go back to school. School here will start the week after next...the summer is just too short these days. I miss the old way--three months of summer vacation. Of course the way we do it here it is 9 weeks in school, 2 weeks off for fall break, 9 weeks in, 2 weeks off for Christmas break, 9 weeks in, 2 weeks off for spring break, and then 9 weeks in and about two months off for summer. It is considered a modified year-round school program. While I was getting the school supplies, I also got a couple of ingredients that we need for the kohlrabi recipe. I stopped at the church to drop off the supplies and then headed home. I had planned the perfect meal for tonight since I was running late. I had thawed pork chops and homemade cream of celery soup that I put in the freezer last month. I quickly got the chops browned and then poured the soup over them, covered them and popped them in the oven. While they cooked in the oven I made brown rice. I was able to get supper ready at a reasonable time even though I had been galavanting all over town all afternoon! A little while ago I got the friendly automated call from Vanderbilt to remind us of Woody's appointments next week. It has been twelve weeks since he was last checked. This time he will have an MRI of the brain and a PET scan of his body. They are checking to be sure that he is still in remission. We weren't able to get the appointment with Dr. Wyman on the same day as the scans so we will be going back to Vanderbilt again at the end of next week. Just a few minutes ago I stepped outside for a moment and the heat and "closeness" due to the humidity just about took my breath away. To show how hot...our car said that it was 94 when I was heading home around 4pm. And that thermometer is usually fairly accurate. It is HOT!

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