Thursday, December 29, 2016

Soup's On!

Busy day of "doing nothing!" Neither of us has done a lot...but we have accomplished several things. Together we made a pot of Ham and Barley Soup. It just came off the burner a few minutes ago. It was a bit later getting cooked as I continued to sort pictures and wanted to do "just one more day" before I headed off to do something cook! When I got to the transfer of December 24th, I left the files transferring since I had taken so many during our family Christmas and knew that it would take a while, and headed off to work on my part of the soup. Woody was already in the process of chopping and peeling veggies. Woody walked four miles this afternoon. He thought that he was going to have to go to the store as we realized that he hadn't gotten the barley that was on Wednesday's grocery list. But I dug deep in our food cabinet and found just enough way in the extra trip avoided. The pictures are now all sorted...untilI take more! Good job done and it was fun to review all that we have done during 2016. My next goal before January 1 is to finish the book that I have been reading on for some time. I never read as much once November and December are upon us and there is so much to do...that when I do sit down and have time to read...I usually doze off before getting very many pages read. But, if I can get this book read, it will count as three on my list of "read in 2016" since it is a trilogy with all three books bound together. Along with reading I am hoping to get a handle on my sewing table that became a place to put anything and everything that didn't have a place over the holidays! I have been working on it today and can see more of the table top than I could yesterday! I'm also hoping to do a little sewing over the next couple of days. Kathy reported in earlier today that her dad was getting out of the hospital today. She drove him and her mom home and she hopes to head back TN way in the morning. I know a lot (7 to be exact!) of children will be happy to see their mommy as will Nathan to see his wife! Isaac told Woody yesterday that he hoped that his mommy would be home before his birthday...which is in a couple weeks! He was over here when I got a text from Kathy this morning and he guessed that it was from his mommy and was very pleased to hear that she planned to be home tomorrow. Elijah spent a little time over here today playing on my iPad...he hadn't done that in some time. Well, we are both settling in for the night...Woody with a book and a DVD and/or the TV. I think that I will head in to "my recliner" and do a little reading for a while...still enjoying the down-time of the aftermath of Christmas. 'Tis the season (for a little while longer)!

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