We have been busy, busy, busy! Before I even thought about getting up Woody walked four miles early this morning. And, at some time, unbeknownst to me, he started working on cleaning the oven. I mentioned yesterday that I had been meaning to clean the oven for some time and had just never found the time to do it. Usually I don't think about doing it until I am putting something in the oven to cook it and that isn't the time to clean it! Anyway, I was really surprised when I went to put the racks back in the oven that it was on its way to be cleaned...he had scrubbed it with Brillo pads...he didn't remember that we had the no-fume oven cleaner. He got a really good start on it and it was starting to look much cleaner...then I sprayed the oven and left it on for several hours and then I wiped it clean the rest of the way...it is as good as it is going to get and it looks ever so much better! I guess I have been "meaning to" clean the oven for six months as the neighbors (Nathan, Kathy and children) gave me a silicone sheet to put on the bottom of the oven so all you have to do is pull the sheet out and clean it when there is a spill over...that was given to me at Christmas...I didn't want to put it in till the floor of the oven was clean...so at last it is and the silicone sheet is in place!
Today was the day that my Sunday School Class was doing an after-the-funeral-lunch for a class member and her family. We needed enough food to feed between 40-50. We have such a wonderful class...and we aren't all that large of a class...so to pull that size of a meal off might have been daunting for some...but not our class...all rose to the occasion...all it took was a few emails back and forth to have the matter taken care of. We live just across the street and down a house or two from where we were to deliver the food. I had asked Woody to help because several members had dropped off their food for me to deliver since they work. I needed him for another reason as I was limping around a bit...another gout attack happened over the weekend and I am on my "rescue med." I am much better today. It looks like the rescue med is coming to my rescue! We were to have the meal delivered around noon. One of my items to make for the meal...deviled eggs...for a crowd...I used 3 dozen eggs...so it was a bit of a job. Got them done just as it was time to deliver the food. Even though we live so close, we had so much food to deliver we had to load up the car and drive the short distance. It looked like we and others came through as there was a wonderful spread of a large variety of food. After lunch I went out on the porch to do some work there and all the many, many children in their family were outside having a great time...all looked like they had plenty of energy after their lunch!
Shortly after we got back from delivering the food, Woody headed off to the Life Care Center to have Bible study with Jeff and also visit other church members there. While he was gone I decided that it was time for me to do some more cleaning on the front porch. I wanted to clean one of the rockers really well, as I was expecting new cushions to be delivered for it this afternoon. Not long after I finished with cleaning the rocker, the UPS truck dropped off the new cushions. I quickly put them in place and am pleased with the new look. When I get the last two pillows made I will take a picture of the porch and post it on the blog.
While I was still cleaning, Woody headed off to the pharmacy to pick up prescriptions for both of us. I had been putting off getting a refill on my gout "rescue drug" till I was almost completely out as this medication is quite expensive...as long as I had enough on stand-by I didn't need to have a lot of extra on hand (was hoping that I wouldn't be needing it as much since my blood work results were so much better). The way I am to take this drug is one every twelve hours until the gout attack is over or till unpleasant side effects start. Looks like I will be able to stop taking it after this evening's dose if all is good in the morning. I am to the point that I hardly know that I have a problem. Yesterday I was constantly reminded due to the pain in my foot. Glad that the rescue drug is working!
Woody returned a while ago from tonight's Monday Night Prayer Meeting at church. And, we are all settled in for the evening. I "think" that tomorrow will be a bit calmer than today was. Maybe I will be able to sit in the rocker with the new chair pads for a while in the morning and enjoy what are supposed to be cooler temperatures. I did "feed" my plants today and fed our birds...new suet cake and fresh bird seed in the feeder. So perhaps my camera and I will sit and watch which birds come for a treat.
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