Friday, November 10, 2017

Finishing Touches

Another beautiful fall day here in Middle Tennessee.  The leaves are falling, falling...soon the colors will pretty much be gone...the brilliant colors fade fast once they turn.  And, the trees quickly drop them...unless they are certain oak trees (of which we have an abundance) which wait to drop their last leaf when the new ones come out in the spring. I'm glad that I have so many picture at their I can remember the brilliance when it is a bit dull during the winter!

Woody got his exercise at the three stores that he went to today to do our weekly shopping.  I think that he is some better...but the TV continues to be quite loud.  He still isn't feeling the greatest.

I spent quite a few hours trying to figure out with Nathan's help what was going on with our internet connection.  I'm not sure what either of us did...or if the computer just decided that it was time to reconnect...or if perhaps the combination of various things that we did finally got our computers back to being able to communicate with the world.

I decided that today I would work on finishing touches on some of the ornaments that I had made over the first nine days of November.  The pile is growing and I inventoried them yesterday and listed what I have made and paired them up with those I will give them to.  I still have a few to make, but the majority are now on to finishing touches.  I am using the sewing machine that the children use to learn how to sew on (my original embroidery sewing machine) to do the sewing that  needs to be done on some.  This way my machine is still ready to do the last few ornaments.  There must be 50 or more spools of embroidery thread surrounding that machine!  It gets too complicated to keep putting them away...because as soon as I get them back in their storage area, I need to get them out again.  So I am working around them and moving the ones to the front that I need for designs.  And, I will put them all away when I am through with the marathon sewing of ornaments.  I have 24 either finished or just waiting for finishing touches...some of those finishing touches are no more than adding a ribbon or cord to hang them with.  Some need to have the disolvable washed away and then dry and they will be done.  It is good to be at the place that I am with this part of my Christmas sewing.  I wish that I had done them over the whole year...but by putting the goal of two a day starting on November got me going in the right direction.

Woody is downstairs watching a library DVD...and will probably read some this evening.  I am going to continue on my bent of finishing the ornaments and figure out what are left to be made.

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