Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Leaf Pick-Up!

When I headed out to go to work in the church library this afternoon, I spotted the leaf truck...always a welcome site in our subdivision as all the houses have MORE than a fair share of leaves at this time of the year!  The leaf truck makes a swipe through neighborhoods about three or four times a fall/winter season.  We had already had it come through our neighborhood once before the leaves had REALLY started to fall and we didn't have many next to the road.  This time was perfect timing as Woody and several from next door (Abigail for one) had blown a ton of leaves yesterday.  Woody got back out there today and blew off our driveway (which was almost knee deep in leaves...not quite...but close!). And, he blew off our front yard again today.  It was a good day to blow leaves and vacuum them up in this truck as they were dry and rain is a matter of fact it rained while I was working in the library...but after the leaf truck had picked up from in front of our house and Nathan and Kathy's before it rained.  But to tell you about how many leaves we have...our front yards were blown clean yesterday afternoon and by this morning you couldn't tell that that the yards had been blown at all.  It will probably look that way by tomorrow morning too.

Today I had a fairly usual morning of school.  Isaac got to start a new Dick and Jane book.  And, we got the cover for his sewing notebook finished.  Esther had her long time and she sewed on the last on to constructing her apron the next time.  "Maybe" she will have an apron by the time they do their Christmas baking.  I worked the church library for a couple of hours.  We got a lot accomplished with our new books. We have quite a few new titles on our "new book shelf."  I have also finished another Christmas ornament--Joseph's.  Now to make Erin and Alex's and I will have grandchildren's finished.  I still one to make for Wade and Melany and one for Kathy and Nathan.  So if I have it figured right...those are the last ones that I need to make for this just four more...maybe.  I started to say that I didn't do any cleaning today...but that wouldn't be right as I did dust the living room and dining room this morning before school started...just so far back in the day that I about forgot that I had done it!

Woody has taken it fairly easy today...again his outside time was blowing some walk. He also ran an errand.  He has been reading, working crosswords, and watching TV.  His ears are still blocked so he can't hear very when the TV is on it is very loud.  At the moment there is silence except for the clicking of the laptop that means that the TV must be off!

I'm trying to decide if I am going to make another ornament tonight...'tis the season!

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