Wednesday, March 7, 2018

No Way...Can't Be True!

And, I can say for a few more days that this new number for my age isn't true...since we celebrated early!  I am having some minor dental surgery tomorrow and am not sure if I will feel like eating cake and ice cream on my real birthday, so our neighbors held my celebration at their house this afternoon.  Before the party ended the grandchildren and grandcats gathered for a picture with me. 

We have had a pretty busy day.  We had a usual Wednesday school day.  Esther had her long time and worked some more on her cross stitch picture.  It is going v-e-r-y slowly!

While school was going on, Woody took off to visit a shut-in couple in his Deacon Family Care Plan.  He took them a loaf of the orange cranberry bread. As he came back into our neighborhood, he noted that our new neighbors were at home so he walked down to their house and took them the other loaf of orange cranberry bread. No walk for Woody today because it really never warmed up.  It has been breezy and chilly all day.

After a quick lunch, I headed to the church to work for a couple of hours in the library.  Donna, Fran and I got some more books closer to ready to be in circulation.  I came back home and not long after I got home, Woody and I headed next door for my party.

We are now all settled in for another quiet evening.

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