Saturday, May 19, 2018

From a Different Perspective

It was a very hot afternoon at the ball park.  We got there at 2pm and didn't get home till a little after 5pm.  I sat on the stands for a while, but it just got too hot so ended up standing under the stairs that go up to the press box leaning on the side wall of the concession stand building. It was shady there.  And the top two pictures show my perspective on the game from that spot. Not the best place for pics...but it definitely was much cooler there in the shade!  The first is the umps in between innings and the second is one of the times that Elijah was at bat...he's in front of the ump and catcher with an orange bat.

The A's gave Nathan a good birthday present = a win!  After the game they surprised him by singing Happy Birthday to him and then had mini cupcakes and drinks for the team.

Elijah came over quite early this morning and spent the day with us leading up to his ball game.  The rest of his family went to Kentucky for a program.  They got back just in time for the game to start.  By 5 pm they had traveled five hours, done a program, and played/attended/coached a ball game.  There is more travel for them this evening.  I'm not sure how they fit everything in at times!  Goosey (Woody) and Elijah went to the library together and also to Lowes to get some more plants for our gardens = tomato, eggplant, English thyme and also bought some seeds to plant.  While they were gone I put the finishing touches on the Sunday School lesson that I'm teaching tomorrow.  Elijah and Goosey had some batting practice while I cooked lunch.  We ate and by the time we finished it was almost time for Elijah to get dressed for the ball game.

Woody and I were very ready to settle in after the long afternoon in the sun and are looking forward to a quiet evening here at home! It has been a busy and tiring day!

I will end by wishing Nathan a "Happy 46th Birthday"...time does could he be that old?!?

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