Saturday, November 24, 2018

The Lost is Found: A Cat Tale

This is Peaches...Esther's outside cat and Georgia's sister.  Esther left Grammy in charge of both kitties while she went with her family to visit with relatives for a few days to celebrate Thanksgiving.  Peaches usually stays very close to her back yard...once in a while she goes over to Grammy and Goosey's and they let her in for a while.  This morning when Grammy went over to feed Peaches, Peaches was no where to be found.  Grammy left a little food in her bowl and then kept checking to see if she had come back to her back porch.  But no Peaches!  Grammy called and called while she was outside.  She even walked around both houses to see if she was close but just couldn't hear her calling.  Grammy even thought that Peaches might be in her garage since it had rained in the night.  But Peaches didn't ever come.  Grammy went to check about every hour to see if the little food she had left had been eaten or if Peaches had made it back home.  Late afternoon Grammy was really getting worried about where she could be and why she had been gone so long.  Esther and her family would be getting back home and there would be no Peaches to greet Esther.  Grammy went on doing things around the house.  After she baked some pita bread and was cleaning up the kitchen she decided to empty the compost bucket.  She called while she was walking out to the compost pile.  Once again, she stopped at her garage and called...and what should she see but a frantic kitty in the back window of her car!  Last night Goosey (Woody) went out to put the car in the garage since it was going to rain.  Goosey takes his time getting in and out of the car...probably Peaches decided to explore and Goosey didn't see her get in.  Peaches had a dry night and a good part of the day in the car.  She was pretty happy to be let out and even happier to get fed for the first time today.  She went in Grammy's house with her to get the cat food and forgot to hiss at Georgia because she was so hungry!  Grammy is glad she was found before Esther returned so Esther wouldn't have to be sad that Peaches was missing! Peaches got to go in to visit with Grammy and Goosey and Georgia this evening so Grammy could get these pictures for the blog when she told Peaches' cat tale.  And, now Snip, snap, snout...this tale is told out!

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