Monday, November 11, 2019

Decorating, cont.

The Carolers and I are on the same wave length!  They are decorating and so am I!  They are having a tree decorating party, I'm just a party of one decorating!  I feel like I am coming right along.  One side of the Christmad closet is emptied except for two boxes of tree ornaments and the tree.  That is a lot of boxes that I have gotten out and gone through.  Today I worked on the kitchen and the family room mantel and the top of the china cabinet.  I have also packed away some of the everyday items so the dining room table isn't quite as covered...though there's still a lot to box up to store till after Christmas.

I had a usual Monday morning for school.  Esther painted during her long time.  Today she painted a neat picture of a flamingo.  She looks through ideas that I have saved on Pinterest that are stored in a folder for her for watercolor ideas.  Sometimes she watches videos on "how-to" paint something and other times she just looks at a picture of a painting and then creates her own take on what she sees.  She's quite a good little artist.  Over the weekend she had her first experience with the Civil Air Patrol in flight.  She got to make three flights in a glider plane!  She said that the first two were at 2000 feet and the third was at 4000 feet.  She told me that she likes flying!  She got to control the plane part of the time, though her instructor landed all three times.  She said on the last flight her instructor asked her if she wanted to go on a roller coaster ride.  She was game and she said that they went way up high and then came way down low.  She also said that he banked the plane way over on its side!  I'm glad that it was Esther and not me...there is just no daredevil in me!!

Woody did his usual in the morning...worked at the computer, did his crossword puzzles, read and watched some TV.  A little after lunch he headed off to take his friend to a doctor appointment.  This time the appointment was here in town, but it still took quite a while.  After supper, Woody headed off to church for the Monday Night Furnace Room Prayer Meeting.  He is now home.

Sounds like the rain has gotten to us.  We have a big weather change coming with this rain.  It is supposed to make a big drop tonight and then not get very far out of the freezing range tomorrow.  Then overnight tomorrow, it is supposed to drop into the teens...not sure that I am ready!  I've heard that before this over we could get a frozen mixture of precipitation...but I'm sure no accumulation...perhaps it will be seen on cold surfaces...leaves, etc. But shouldn't bring about hazardous driving.  Staying in tomorrow so whatever it brings I will be okay with it!  Plan to stay in and attempt to keep warm...and hopefully get even farther with the decorating!  'Tis the Season!

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