Sunday, May 17, 2020

Graduate Recognition Day

First Baptist Church, Tullahoma, TN has held drive-in church throughout this pandemic.  And, today they had a graduate recognition service.  They called each graduate up individually and introduced them and told a little about each one, gave a gift, and then they waved at their family member/s who were taking photos and the congregation honked their horns!  A different and memorable send-off for our 2020 graduates. Again, congratulations, Graham!  

Woody and I watched at home on Facebook livestream and I snapped a screenshot with my iPad as Graham was being introduced and then I borrowed a picture that Kathy took of them waving.

Our church staff has gone above and beyond in trying to make our sheltering at home easier.  Each Sunday they have made it a little more like actually being there...from hymn words on the screen, to sermon notes on the church app.  The way they worked it out that people can hear the service in their cars is by having an FM station that broadcasts only about a block in distance...which can be heard on car radios from the parking lot and those parked close to the church.  And, for those at home they have it broadcast live on Facebook.  The efforts of all have really paid off and attendance has been good both in the parking lot and online at home.  We appreciate the church keeping at least some normalcy in our daily lives for the last couple of months.

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