Wednesday, May 20, 2020


The days see to just roll together...the time doesn't seem to be passing slowly...seems like only yesterday that it was Wednesday last week.  I decided to go back to barn photos.  I may have some new ones on Friday.  My "barn trip" friends are in the mood for another trip.  I think that I will join them.  Barns won't be as easy to see now that the leaves are back on the trees.

Woody got a call from his nephrologist's office telling him that they were not doing labs yet so he needed to go someplace else tomorrow to have it done.  He called them back and got the okay that he could have the labs done next week when he goes to his oncology appointment.

I have had a cooking and gardening day.  I got my chicken broth going and let it simmer for several hours.  While that was on the stove I went outside and did a little weeding and planted some seeds in a couple of our gardens.

After lunch I worked with the broth...straining it and cooling it and getting into containers for the refrigerator.  For supper I made sweet and sour pork...a rather labor intensive recipe both in time and amount of dishes used to create.  Woody did vote that it was worth my efforts.  By the time I got it finished, I wasn't sure that it was worth it!  But it did taste good for a change.  I combined recipes...a new one and my old tried and true recipe...that's what made it take longer.  The first load of dishes are in the dishwasher being washed.  I have as many of maybe even more than are in the dishwasher.  I'm not sure that I am up to washing them by hand...but maybe...or I may unload and reload the dishwasher and thus have fewer to wash by hand.

Tonight's borrowed Coronavirus thought:

Now I understand why Laura Ingalls got so excited to go to town with Pa! (Unknown)

Stay safe!
Stay well!
Use caution as we begin the "new normal!"

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