Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Did a Bit of Traveling Today

I traveled thousands of miles, yet only went across town. My travels were vicarious! Donna and I planned last week to meet at her house for our weekly "library" meeting today. She and John traveled to the Holy Land back at the first of the year..."just" prior to the Covid outbreak. And, when I say "just" I mean right at the start of the realization that Covid was going to spread and countries were deciding what to do to protect them selves. They had to make a hurried trip to Bethlehem a little out of order in their tour as Bethlehem was going to close due to Covid. They were probably the last tour group to get into the sights in that area. They got their whole trip in and got back safely. Donna has used her "safer-at-home" time getting her photos in order. She did a great job of notating all the places that they went. Today I got to look through her albums that she has created. And, I do feel a bit like I have been there! A great visit! She makes good chocolate zucchini muffins, too! I got home and Woody had even started getting his lunch ready...I got there in time to carry his plate to his TV tray! Once I was assured that he had his lunch, I headed off to WalMart as there were several items that we needed. Since I was going there, I decided that I would get the one item that I needed to make chili...the hamburger! I don't usually buy meat at WalMart but since I was there and I still try to limit my store hopping, I went on and did one-stop shopping. Picked up a couple of other things that have been hard to find at Kroger. So I guess I can say that my grocery shopping for this week has been started. Once I came back, I got busy on making chili for tonight's supper. Woody enjoyed the chili...he had been wanting "real" chili for some time now...we had been supposed to stay away from red meat and beans when we were on his diet to keep him off he can once again have it...especially since he is supposed to be eating high protein. So tonight he got meat and beans. He enjoyed it so much that while I was upstairs he actually made it out to the kitchen for seconds...even attached to his dialysis machine! Guess he really liked it! Tonight he is in his second dwell time "things" are going along. Last night he said that things seemed to slow down after the second cycle. But he still finished in twelve hours or a little less. He stayed connected till I came downstairs around 7am even though he finished several hours earlier. He says that he isn't going anywhere anyway! I still hate to leave him connected any longer than he has to be. But if I am asleep and he doesnt awaken me I guess he will wait till I wake up! We are both sort of in the mode of "sleep when we can." I think that I am getting better sleep than he is. I will say that after all my galavanting today and then cooking and then getting today's dialysis set up and Woody connected without taking much of a rest, I was quite tired after I ate supper. I sat down in my recliner to rest a little and the next thing I knew I was waking up. So like I say...sleep when we can. And, since we can sleep whenever I guess that should work! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious! (It is strange typing on a real keyboard after typing the blog and most other things on my iPad...having to get all my fingers working when I type on the laptop...and, have to remember where symbols and punctuation is located!Having to look at the keyboard a little more than I used to...but haven't totally forgotten how to touch type! I learned to touch type when I worked in my father's law office during the summers when I was in high school. I answered the phones and was sort of receptionist. I got a "how-to-type" course and learned in between clients and phone calls. I never wanted to take typing in school...the timed tests would have made me too nervous! But I learned to type fairly fast and with decent accuracy so that little foray in a law office benefited in probably more ways than one!)

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