Wednesday, September 2, 2020

What Are the Odds? Part 2

This little cat bird is watching for another very important delivery! My question is "what are the odds of your dialysis machine malfunctioning on the second night that you try to do home dialysis?!? Well, in our case I think that odds aren't even a factor any more! Everything went smoothly getting Woody set up last night. It took about an hour to get everything up and going...hopefully that time will go down over time! Getting on the gloves takes up quite a bit of my time...and gloves are changed multiple times! Anyway...we got underway about 9:30 and in less than fifteen minutes things were at a standstill...alarms going off once again. The first fill had started and I picked up all the dropped pieces of paper that come off the tubing and threw them away and headed into the kitchen to put some more dishes into the dishwasher before running it. I hadn't even gotten to the sink before the warning beeps started going off. Went to see what the message was and it told me that I needed to reposition the solution bag over the heater sensor and to check that the clamps were open. The solution bag was where it was supposed to be...but I shifted it some and checked all the clamps and they were open. So pushed OK to try again. Within moments the same message was on the screen. I moved the bag a couple more times...wondering as it was exactly where I usually put it. After making 4 attempts to"fix the problem" and I got the phone and called the tech folk...right number the first time tonight! I explained what was going on and what had happened to us the night before. As soon as she heard that there had been water inside the machine after the malfunction of the cassette, she said that they would overnight us a new machine...supposed to be here by 8pm tonight in time for his next dialysis treatment. So the little bird in the photo above is keeping his eye out for the delivery. I have Nathan on call to help lift it and then get the flash drive and modem plugged in. Supposedly that is all we have to do to have Woody's info in the machine. I won't hold my breath that any of this will actually occur. We can continue to say that Woody still has never had a full dialysis treatment. Monday night he got a 1/4 of a treatment and last night 0 treatment. I called our nurse this we are instructed to do if a treatment can't be completed. He said that we could wait till tonight's treatment. I was glad as I just couldn't face having to do a manual treatment so soon in our dialysis adventure. Just received a call that our new machine will be here in 10 or 15 minutes! So maybe we will be good to go for tonight! BUT I will not hold my breath! Be safe! Be well! Be Cautious!

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