Saturday, September 4, 2021

Simple Saturday

Oops...just realized that I haven't blogged yet tonight. I guess I was concentrating on getting Woody's dialysis started a bit earlier tonight so we would have plenty of time in the morning to get him off the dialysis cycler machine so he has plenty of time to eat breakfast and get ready for church. We have had another nice quiet day. I had planned to go to the library to get Woody some books, but forgot until it was almost time for the library to just added that little trip to my "do-another-day list. Woody has attempted to watch some football this afternoon and evening...just like last week one of the games came in in Spanish...for a while...but then, without him doing anything, it switched back to English and the rest of the games have been in English. He says that the problem with them not bring in English is that he has to watch the game to find out what is going on! He can follow a game and read if he can hear the game...but can't multitask when he can't understand the announcers! I had let my sour dough starter that sits on my counter "go," as I just hadn't been doing much baking lately. I keep jars of starter in the refrigerator which are dormant. Yesterday I decided to get one of those going again. It was very happy to be out at room temperature and to be fed some flour and water. It was nice and bubbly today. The first thing that I made was sour dough waffles. I hadn't had any for a while and they tasted good this morning for breakfast. Now I can store them in the freezer to pop in the toaster oven when I am in the mood for one. This afternoon a friend called on the phone. She is making decisions about a new camera. We did some searching on the internet while we talked. I think she has made up her mind, but is now having trouble finding a store that has it in stock. I'm not sure if I have mentioned much about my camera after it was returned after being is working like it should have from the beginning. They did a good job of fixing it. Once again it is a pleasure to grab it up to get a quick shot of something and have it focus immediately. I'm still a little gun shy with it as I still expect to have to coax it to focus...but no longer...thank goodness! I took pictures with it on both trips to doctor apoointments this week. I was pleased with I got considering that most were taken through the windshield, that wasn't thr cleanest and often had a reflection on it and we were speeding along in the car. Tonight's photo was one of the few that I took with a window down...this is a shot with us stopped on the one-lane bridge over the Duck River. The water was up due to Ida's rains. Wednesday when we went over it, you could tell that the water had been up and over the bridge at some point during all the rain...but by the time we crossed it, there were only puddles. Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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