Monday, September 26, 2022

An Interesting Day

My sister, Cheryl, has asked me to take a picture of the front porch with the mums on the front steps. I keep forgetting to take the picture so decided to do it a minute ago and realized it was bit dark...will do better another day! Today was a usual morning of dialysis. Nathan had arranged to pick me up after he was finished at the Baptist Student Ministry Center at Motlow. We were going on a mission to Lowe's to get stain and other paraphernalia needed to stain the ramp. He is forming a crew to do this task for us. We suggested that Isaac take this on and make it a Tom Sawyer project! We tried to explain that he needed to make the job sound so good that his sibblings would want to do the job and take over for him! Isaac thought that Esther needed to do the job. I told him that I wondered just what it would look like once she put her artistic touch on it! We found all, we hope, that will be needed to do the job when the day is just right and the workers are available! But we are one step closer since we have the stain, etc. to do the job. i don't think that I shared last week something that I discovered on the garage door that goes into the house. I was getting into the car that was parked in the driveway...but I could see into the garage and noticed a shadow of something on the door that looked pink. I got out of the car and went into the garage to check out just what I was seeing. It was a bill from our airconditioning folk They had come sometime back to check on a problem under the house and to fix it. We were away on the day they came so they had tucked this, what I thought was a bill, into the garage back door. This door is one we almost never use...for one reason it is a very hard door to open and for another reason it has steep steps down into the garage with no we use either the front or back doors. I had been wondering why we hadn't received a bill...only thought about the bill when we were out and about and would see one of their trucks...never thought about it when I could call and check with them. Well, when I found this, I came in and wrote an apology for being so late with payment, etc. and wrote them a check. Well, today, they called with a question about the check they had received from us and the ESTIMATE they had given us. Nathan had told me that he had given the okay to go on and do the work and that they would send the bill to us. I didn't realize that what was on our door was an estimate and not the bill and according to our call today the work had not been done! Did we want it done or should they send the check back? I had Nathan look under the house, when he came, and the ducting had not been reconnected so I called back and said that, yes, we want it done! I guess just the power of suggestion had me thinking that those two ducts had been reconnected! I have received a call back and they will be here to do the work on Friday! Rolling eyes, but also thankful that we live in a small town and use people we know who run honest companies to do work for us! That check could have been easily cashed and we would have never been the wiser! And, it wasn't just a small check! Live and learn...I guess!!! Today's dialysis went fairly well. I did have a problem when making the dialysate...guess I opened a door too soon or maybe too late? I had to call and have one of the nice tech guys walk me out of my latest flub. He got me back on track and the dialysate batch is in the process of the six hours that it takes to complete it...filling that tub with 50 liters of water takes a bit of time! And, that 50 liters only does two treatments...25 liters are used every treatment in the blood cleaning process. There is a cylindrical filter that his blood and this dialysate flows through. At the end we have to evaluate this cylinder as to whether the filter shows streaks, clots, or is clear. Most of the time Woody's is very clear...a good thing! That means that the heparin that we are introducing into his blood just prior to his treatment each day is enough. The nurse upped the heparin amount one time at the start, but since then that amount seems to be keeping his blood from clotting during the dialysis. Enough about dialysis! I seem to think about it when awake amd when asleep! Need to "talk" about something else! I've started working on this Sunday's Sunday School lesson for my ladies' class. I got Nathan to commit to come into the class this Sunday to do the introduction to the next two weeks' lessons that I'm going to teach. We're studying Jonah those two weeks and Nathan has a very unique way to tell the story of I enlisted him! Now for me to work more on my part of the lesson! Be safe! Be well! Be cautous!

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