Friday, September 30, 2022

Lots of Worker Bees!

Today was the day that work crews showed up. Two crews of Dorrell ramp stainers and one AC/Heat crew to fix and replace duct work under the house. The first crew to arrive consisted of Nathan, Kathy, and Elijah. They worked till a little before lunch...broke for lunch and to take Elijah and Esther to work. They work at a local family run grocery store. Before they left our workers from Stroops Air Conditioning arrived and got to work. They were finished before Nathan, Kathy and their next crew arrived. This time Nathan and Kathy brought Joy, Isaac, and Joseph to finish up staining the ramp. I think that it ended up being a bigger job than they anticipated! Isaac came away the most decorated! It's great to have both these jobs done! We did turn on the heat for a few minutes this afternoon to see if we could tell that the job had been done...and, there was a marked difference in my opinion. I think that we have been dealing with messed up duct work for some years...reason that the family room, sun porch and laundry room were never very warm. In the cooler days to come we will test this out more. When getting out something from the freezer a little while ago, I discovered a blue mess on a package of food...discovered that it was an insert for a cold wrap...I guess it had gotten a hole in it...what a mess. I had to take most of what was in the bottom freezer drawer so could get it wiped was not frozen...just a goopy blue mess. Mess is cleaned up and frozen items are back in the drawer...and, I know a little more what is in the freezer! I discovered two packages of frozen vegetables that had gotten out of the usual frozen vegetable spot...didn't know I had those. So I reorganized that drawer a bit. Dialysis went on while the work crews were busy. Everything went well today...including giving the iron infusion and then his anemia shot after the treatment was over. I once again managed to give the shot and not hurt that nursing skill met with his approval today! I still DON'T like giving shots! This may go back to not wanting to get a shot when I was a child! I have all the ingredients out to make Woody's breakfast sausage so will at least put those ingredients together tonight. I "might" go on and cook it too, but not sure about that yet. At least the ingredients will be ready to cook in the morning. I was really tired this afternoon and ended up falling into a deep sleep for my of those times that it was hard to move after waking up! That nap might have me awake enough to go on and cook the sausage...or perhaps I should get back to working on Sunday's Sunday School lesson. This will be the first time that I have taught since we started on hemodialysis...hard to concentrate on anything except dialysis! We'll see how getting back to it goes on Sunday! I have enlisted Nathan to do the introduction for the lesson. We are studying the book of Jonah and Nathan tells the story of Jonah with balloons. Well, I guess kitchen tasks are calling! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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