Saturday, July 1, 2023

Lots of Questions?

It hasn't been a horrible day, but not the best either. Woody did get to dialysis, but the only way we made it was with Nathan's help both going and coming. I have a feeling he should be in the far sticking it out here. He is resting peacefully at the moment. I need to change his leg dressimg, but don't want to disturb him. I have everything ready to change it, when he starts stirring again. I took a nap this afternoon. When I came back downstairs, Woody had transferred himself from the recliner to the couch. I sort of wish that he would stay in the recliner as it is easier for him to get up from it than from the couch. I guess all I can say is that we are taking it one moment at a time. We have had some doozy storms roll through last night and again this afternoon. I spent around an hour after dropping Woody off at dialysis just picking up limbs and sticks and clumps of leaves that blew down last night. And, now it looks like a warzone again after this afternoon's storm blew through. To be continued. Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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