Saturday, November 30, 2024

'Tis the Season!

'Tis the season for being extra busy...or at least it seems like there is more going on than usual. This morning before I came downstairs I decided to move things from my closet that were summery. I don't know what inspired me...maybe the early morning temperatures...very cold. When I woke up, I asked Alexa the temperature and she said 19°. Brrrrr! That's the coldest it has been since last winter. We have had an unseasonably warm November for the most part. So I guess I can't complain about it getting cold. Yesterday I still had some of my plants blooming in the gardens, But I beieve the overnight lows took care of those blooms. Last night before I went to bed, I pretty much had the Sunday School lesson planned out. I have added a little to it today. My major accomplishment today was to get underway with my Christmas cards. I ended up running out of cards and stamps before I was finished with my card list, but a pretty tall stack of cards awaits being picked up by the mail carrier. Mail carrier gets later and later...I guess another sign of the season! I'm a little concerned, Alexa told me that a package was delivered at 7:30 this morning, but I have been outside numerous times and there is no package. I got to checking and there is a disclaimer on the P.O. site that says that sometimes a package gets marked delivered before it actually gets there. 7:30 is pretty early for a package to be delivered...I'm hoping that somehow the package got marked delivered instead of that it "is going to be delivered!" I don't want to go through the hassle of trying to track down a package or have to get the items reordered! On my multiple times to the mailbox to put Christmas cards in, I managed to get all Fall items removed from the front porch. And, did replace Fall with Christmas/Winter. Anyway, all in all today I have gotten quite a few things done. I decided that it was time to go over my Sunday School lesson notes one more time...well, I promptly dozed after a nice little nap, now I will do that task! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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