Monday, March 28, 2011

Life Goes On!

We had a pretty rough night. But the Hospice nurse was able to get Mother calmer when she came to the house today. Interesting on how many theories and ways to do things and not to do things there are. I think that if this information could be the same that it would help slightly. We have been told to do things so many different ways that our heads are spinning. Though I will say that each does bring something new that really helps. Today's nurse told us that it is ok to give mother chips of ice and also to run a popsicle across her lips and tongue to help her need for something to drink. One nurse told us to never lower her head below a certain level and today's nurse said that it was ok to lay her just about flat. One says to place the liquid medicine under her tongue and tell her not to swallow and another just puts it inside her cheek and tells her to swallow! She is sent home with oxygen and today's nurse questioned why she had it! All this advice has come from the same Hospice organization. Oh, well...guess we can just choose the methods that we like best! I see daily decline in Mother. I talked to Woody this afternoon. He had taken a long walk today, planted the rest of the seed potatoes, read with Abigail and with Joy. He ate lunch with Nathan, Kathy and family. When I called, Graham was over at the house taking apart K'nex structures. Woody had studied his Experiencing God lesson and also his Sunday School lesson. Tonight he was going to Monday night prayer meeting at church.

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