Monday, May 9, 2011

Feed Me!

Kathy managed to get one of the little birds with its mouth opened wide (I stole the picture from her Facebook pictures...thanks, Kathy!) Today there is another little robin trying to make its way out into the world. This one hasn't hatched as quickly as the others.

Woody and I headed out to the church library around 8:30am. We're trying to get a handle on things that are going to have to be moved out next Monday. The library is going to get new carpet and EVERYTHING has to be moved out. We packed up a lot of stuff...and threw away more than we packed up. We spent around three hours there...I guess we made some progress. We came home and made a salad from a new recipe...Caprece Salad...very yummy...tomatoes, cucumbers, fresh mozzarella cheese and fresh basil drizzled with olive oil and balsamic vinegar reduction. After lunch, Kathy called to say that the mommy bird was away from her nest and that a new little one was trying to peck its way out of the shell. I came back with Abigail. She read to me a story about honey bees...a really long story...told lots of facts and I got out my Walt Disney "Secrets of Life" book from my childhood and showed her pictures of bees that is in the chapter about bees. Graham came over while she was reading and worked on the K'nex roller coaster that he is making. Joy came over for a while and we went outside and discovered a LOT of cicada she and Graham started running all over the yard on a hunt for them and putting them in a pail. They found a LOT. We had dinner over at Nathan and Kathy's. Woody has gone to Monday night prayer meeting at church.

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