Sunday, May 22, 2011

Our Graduate!

We are so proud of our granddaugther, Erin Elizabeth! We had a wonderful time celebrating her high school graduation with her and her family last evening. Woody and I drove to Wade and Melany's home. Then we all piled into their vehicle and headed out to eat. We met up with Wade's brother and his family. We enjoyed eating food cooked right in front of us...quite a show...and delicious food a plenty! After we ate, we headed to Murphy Center...the basketball arena at Middle TN State University. We never did count...but there were lots in Erin's class...close to 500! The ceremony took about an hour and a half...and we were all rather warm! We watched Erin process in, we listened to the national anthem and pledged the flag, then we listened to a speech or two or three or four from the students...then diplomas...then the alma mater was sung and hats were thrown in the air! After the ceremony we all went back to Wade and Melany's so Erin could open her gifts and then we had cake...yummy! We headed home around 10pm and got home a little before 11pm...definitely a late evening for us!

Today we got up and went to the 8:30am church service and then to Sunday School. Woody taught his boy's class and then we came home and ate lunch. After lunch, we walked around checking out how our gardens are far they are still doing well...our black thumbs haven't seemed to harm them! We had a short thunderstorm that did give the plants a bit of a drink. Woody has been reading and watching a bit of TV. This evening he went to the evening church service. We have sort of taken it easy today after such a busy last two weeks. Now I'm gearing up to get ready for two special visitors later in the week...Erin and Alex will be spending some time with us while their parents go on an Alaskan cruise to celebrate their 20th anniversary. Erin loves to we started making a few cooking plans last night...Alex's only request was that when he makes waffles (his specialty) to please let him use regular (white) flour...Woody and I use a lot of whole wheat flour (especially for waffles!)...not Alex's favorite!
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1 comment:

  1. Lois it sounds like you had a lovely time at your granddaughters graduations.. Congratulations to her and her fellow classmate.. Very big accomplishment that not all young people take advantage of unfortunetly. god bless.

