Here's a sampling of the pictures that I took yesterday when we drove through the VA countryside...away from interstate traffic.
Today, I guess we have been once again settling back into a routine. Woody got up early read for a while and then went to WalMart, Kroger, and the Credit Union before most folk are up and going on a Saturday morning. I slept in and woke up cold...I'm wondering what winter this is...blackberry? I talked to Melany for a while on the phone...they are planning a 20th anniversary (can it really be?) trip and were checking about our availability for Erin and Alex to come here while they are gone. Woody went to the library and then stopped on his way home at the fruit and veggie market for fresh tomatoes. Kathy and Nathan were having a yardsale so Elijah came over and played for a while. I remembered my sewing machine and was able to go pick it up before they closed. I have sewn a little this afternoon. Late this afternoon, Woody and I decided to go on a walk. When we went outside, Elijah spotted us so we decided to take him with us on our walk. We got his stroller and off we went. He is talking so much more now...starting to make fun to hear him repeat just about everything that he hears. He had fun looking at flowers, cars and trucks, squirrels, robins, and dogs, and looking to see if there was water in the ditches. Woody has worked in the yard some today. I deadheaded flowers and did some watering of the plants that we put out several weeks ago. When we get home from trips like this, I just seem to spin my wheels for a the time that I am really back in seems that it is time to go somewhere again!
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