Woody got up early as usual...but he didn't go on one of his usual walks. Instead he waited till the local blueberry farm opened and he went to pick blueberries...three hours of picking...two gallons of beautiful, delicious blueberries. Some have been washed that we are enjoying eating, some have been measured and are in the refrigerator awaiting recipes, and the rest have been placed in freezer bags unwashed and into the freezer awaiting future eating/cooking. We have a couple of recipes that we are planning to make with them...ingredients are on the grocery list...makes my mouth water just thinking about those recipes! Woody has pretty much stayed in the rest of the day...reading, watching TV, and relaxing. I have worked a bit more on Abigail's dress...hope that she won't have outgrown it by the time that I get it finished! I have also read and taken it easy today. It started out being another hot day, but we did have storms blow through the surrounding area that dropped a bit of rain on us and cooled us down a bit. We sampled the pickles that Woody made yesterday...Lemon Pickles...this recipe uses fresh lemon juice as well as vinegar...they are pretty puckery...but the flavor may grow on us as the Crazy Dill flavor did. I also put the latest pickles that Woody made from the recipe for our Spicy Bread & Butter pickles into pint jars today. We finished the first jar of pickle relish when we had hamburgers for supper tonight. We'll be using up a good portion of another jar of pickle relish when we make potato salad. I guess we'll be making pickle relish again soon...as that recipe only makes two jars. Pickle jars in and pickle jars out of our fridge! Besides pickles made with the abundance of cucumbers, we are enjoying wonderful garden tomatoes...not anything much better! At this time of year, one of Woody's favorite sandwiches is a tomato sandwich. I tend to want a bit more on my sandwich to go along with the tomatoes!
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