Anyway, just like in Bambi this little fella is in the flower garden amongst the flowers. I'm getting a little uncomfortable that he is regularly coming to our yard (this is the third time I have seen him this week)looking for bugs and slugs and beetles. I surely don't want one of the grandchildren to come upon him to both their surprise! (Picture taken from inside!)
Woody got up early and went for a four-mile walk. He did do a little yard work...picking up sticks in preparation for another round of mowing. I spent a while on the computer this morning trying to come up with an Eggplant Parmesan recipe. After I found one and we got the ingredient needed on the list, Woody went to the Credit Union and then to WalMart and Kroger and did our weekly shopping. He made another batch of Bread and Butter Pickles...this time without the crushed red pepper...trying for a little different taste without quite the kick. He picked MORE cucumbers. At the store he bought some more freezer canning containers as we have now tried our Freezer Dill Pickles and they are quite good. At least this way we will be able to keep the frozen pickles a bit longer than the refrigerator pickles. I'm hoping that the neighbors (Nathan and family) have room in their freezer for some...we are about out of room in ours! Where in the world are those seven neighbor "pickle and cucumber eaters" when you need them most?! On Wednesday Woody stopped at the Farmer's Market (held every Wednesday in the parking lot of one our local churches...locally grown produce sold by the gardeners/farmers themselves) and bought me an eggplant. So I made Eggplant Parmesan for supper tonight...really quite good...even Woody who is not fond of eggplant thought that it was good. The recipe that I found used fresh tomatoes, garlic, and we were good to go for those ingredients. The only ingredient that we needed to put on the grocery list was mozzarella cheese. Woody made Blueberry Dump Cake this afternoon. Mmmmmmmmm! Good eating around here! I even managed to do some sewing...or at least get ready for the next steps on Abigail's dress. So it has been another busy, hot day...and so far we have kept away from our little flower garden visitor!
Oh dear, such a cute little visitor, but you could have an unpleasant surprise there one day! A friend of mine found she had a family of skunks living in her garden shed. Living on a modest fixed income she couldn't afford to hire someone to take care of them for her. So she researched all about skunks at the library and found out they dislike both light and wet. So... she turned on the light in the shed and left it on, and set her sprinkler so it reached into the shed through the open door. Voila! One day the whole family... I forget how many there were... all marched on out of that shed in a line. So maybe one of both of those hints will help the cute little critters to relocate! mizlilly