Monday, July 25, 2011

What Is It?

This morning I was in the sewing room minding my own business and I heard a buzzing sound...sounded just like a big ol' fly so I didn't pay much attention to it...just thought that I would get the fly swatter when I went downstairs. Well, in a few minutes this critter landed on the curtain. I hollered at Woody to bring up the fly swatter. He did and decided to be humane and let it outside...would have been fine with me...BUT instead of it taking the free ride outside on the fly swatter, it flew off and was buzzing around the sewing room again. The buzzing stopped and I wondered where it was, but I got busy and sort of forgot about him. Well, in a little while what do I spot...but him on the skirt of Abigail's dress!!!!!!! Woody had left me the fly swatter so I gave him a good swat and "thought" that I had gotten him. I got the vacuum and vacuumed really well in the area that I "thought" he had fallen. Our carpet is bug color (brown) and bugs blend in...but the reason that I couldn't find him on the carpet was that he was still around. I got Abigail's dress off the hanger and brought it over to the sewing machine to do the next step...some handwork...I had worked for a few minutes and had turned the dress around on my lap several times...then what to my wondering eyes should appear but this critter still (or again) on another fold in her dress (suppose he liked the flowers on the fabric?)! I was humane this time and carried the dress downstairs and out the front door and brushed him off into the wide blue yonder (I hope!). I have no idea what he is and have been busy so haven't tried to identify him. But how dare he come in and cozy up on my sewing!

Woody got up early and took his 8-mile route. He had a goal in mind for his mowing today and had to hustle to get it done before we got an afternoon shower. He has read, watched a bit of TV and rested this afternoon. He is now at Monday night prayer meeting at church. I also sent him on an errand before prayer meeting get a book for me from the library. I finished the three books that Woody had checked out for me a week ago. I had Woody put in a request for the next one when he got those for me. The card catalog showed that the only copy of an actual book was at the branch of our library that is in Manchester. They hadn't called to say that our branch had received it from Manchester yet so I checked today and there is now a copy of the book at both branches...go figure. Anyway I was in need of a book so he was going to stop and hopefully get that book and the next two. I am making good progress on getting Abigail's dress finished. I am at a step that calls for some more hand stitching so am planning to do that while I watch a little TV this evening. I am hoping that I will be able to finish the dress tomorrow...time will tell...this has been a very detailed pattern...which I didn't realize when I chose it!

I will close by wishing our oldest grandson a very happy 14th birthday! I talked to him earlier today...he was playing video games...what else is new??? Happy birthday, Alex!

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