Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wednesday Wanderings

It has been a busy day. Woody started out his day by walking his four-mile route. A bit later, but still fairly early, he took in one of our cars to have the tires rotated. A bit later he walked downtown to buy some new shoes. On the way home he stopped at the library and read the Tullahoma News. Then he walked across the street from the library to one of Tullahoma's community centers and spun on a stationary bike for fifteen minutes and then he walked home. He has also worked some in the yard. I did a bit of sewing and then started working on filling church library memorials. After lunch, I headed to the church for our Wednesday work time in the church library...two other workers and I processed books, checked in books and shelved them. It looked like progress is being made on the next phase of the library least things had been moved around and we were told that work on one of the cabinets was underway. I came home and we have had supper...still enjoying the chicken and sausage gumbo. I'm ready to put my feet up. My wanderings have worn me out...I don't know about Woody's!

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