Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Woody took his daily walk in the rain this morning. The rain moved out and it turned out to be a very pretty day...though chilly. I wonder what "winter" this is. We expected our air conditioning units to be checked this morning between 8 and 10. They were here johnny-on-the-spot...right at eight. This was our first inspection since the units were installed in the Fall. Both checked out fine so we should stay cool during the hot summer months. I had several things to do before having the children come over for school. Delaying was frustrating for Elijah. He had trouble believing his daddy that my first call wasn't for him to come over. But he was happy once he got over here. The others followed in their normal Wednesday order. I mainly worked with their reading today. They are working on finishing up their curriculum for this school year. After lunch Graham came over and worked on one of his subjects in the quiet of our house. After lunch I headed off to get my hair cut and then went to the church library to work for a while. After coming home, I worked on crossword puzzles. I got behind on them while Cheryl was here. We have had supper and I think that we will both do a little bit of nothing for the rest of the evening. Tonight's picture shows what we did to Nathan's yard for his surprise 40th birthday celebration...40+ black balloons, 40 black pinwheels, presents in black bags, etc. There were also a couple of white balloons mixed in...those represented gray hairs...that was a new one for me. Wade told us about the white balloons symbol/tradition.

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