Saturday, April 4, 2015

New Experience

I did something this morning that I had never done before...made cheese...ricotta cheese, to be exact. It was not hard to make and it turned out really great...nice and creamy smooth and pretty tasty too. The main thing that I use ricotta in is my lasagna recipe, but I just wasn't in the mood to make lasagna, so looked on the internet for some other recipes that use ricotta. I chose a recipe for "Fluffy Ricotta Pancakes" and we had breakfast for supper this evening. Two successful new recipes in one day! Woody did his Walmarting early today (probably a good thing on this busy day of the year for retailers...especially for a Walmart in our small town!). He looked in Walmart for creeping phlox and also went to Lowe's to check out theirs. He came home and said that he needed me to go back with him to find the right color phlox. We went back to both places mid-afternoon. Walmart won on having the best color. These plants are inside for the night on our sun tonight we are under a hard freeze warning. He'll put them out on a warmer day which we do have promise of after this cold snap. I think that this is Middle Tennessee's "red bud winter." At least we noticed a lot of red buds in bloom as we drove across town. Woody went for a four-mile walk this afternoon. I have been reading...trying to finish this really long book that seems to be taking me forever to read. If this book wasn't a part of a series that I have read many in, I'm not sure that I would have stuck it out this just seems to be dragging more than any of the previous books did...most of those have had me on the edge of my far this one has been mostly putting me to sleep! I still have a couple of hundred pages to I am guessing there is still excitement to come?!? Woody also went to the library this morning. He has read and watched some March Madness.

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