Friday, April 10, 2015

What's Wrong With This Picture?

Well, those rascally squirrels have decided to turn my new birdfeeder into a squirrel feeder. I knew that it was only a matter of time till they figured out a way to help themselves to the seeds! This morning was the first time that I caught one of them in the feeder. I snapped this picture from inside since I knew if I opened the door that it would scare him away. There was another one out on a limb just waiting his turn.
Woody got up and cleaned up the kitchen. Yesterday I was too tired to totally clean up after my cooking stints with the turkey and then the eggplant parmasan. So Woody had the kitchen all spic and span when I went downstairs first thing this morning. He did spend some time in the yard...not as much as yesterday since it was quite a bit cooler today. He did take a four-mile walk this afternoon. I have been making plans for the next sewing projects for the girls and also for myself. I told the girls that hopefully they could each make themselves a pair of shorts for summer. Now to find patterns in the correct sizes. I looked through my stash of patterns and found a couple that will possibly work. After lunch, I went to JoAnn's to look around. I managed to come home with only one piece of fabric...which was good as I went in looking for something specific and they usually don't have what I am looking for if I go in with something in mind. I came home and continued to put away things from past sewing projects that are now completed...trying to find the top of my cutting table once again. I did manage cut the turkey off the bone and put in the freezer several packages of slices and pieces for future cooking/eating. I took breaks today reading on two books that I am in the midst actual book and one e-book. Woody finished the book that he was reading. And, read a book that that I was considering for the church library. I have been working some more on the overdue library list. It was a sort of jump from one thing to another today...not a lot accomplished...but it has been a relaxing where I didn't "have" to do any specific thing. Our weather was quite a bit cooler than yesterday after the rain and storms that passed through in the wee hours of the morning. I don't know if this is considered another "winter" or not...but one of the winters is Dogwood Winter and the dogwoods are the pink, red and white very pretty!

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