Saturday, May 23, 2015

Look Who Came to Visit Her Grandma!

Little Red Riding Hood and her family have been on a vacation in the Smokey Mountains this week. They came home late this afternoon. So this is the first time that Little Red had seen her new red hooded cape. She seemed pretty happy. Her brother aka The Big Bad Wolf told her that her Grandma needed to see her. The Big Bad Wolf told me that Little Red was off in the woods picking flowers and wondered why I wasn't sick in bed!!!!! I'd better watch out for that Big Bad Wolf! Woody did his Saturday Walmart shopping early this morning...he left before seven...once again a pretty chilly the 40's...but it did warm up to 80 this afternoon. Later in the morning Woody went to the library and stopped at the fruit and vegetable market for tomatoes. He has also worked out in the yard...mowing, weeding and mulching. He went on a four-mile walk late this afternoon. I got a start on some of the preparations for a couple of salads that I am making for Monday. I pretty much took it easy "into" another long book so have done some reading...also spent way too much time on a couple of sudoku puzzles. Woody has taken reading breaks throughout the day and is reading now. Another rather typical...not too exciting...Saturday in the life of this Dorrell household. We rather like dull and boring!

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