Saturday, September 26, 2015

First Fall Saturday

Tonight's photo shows one of the little chickadees who paid us a visit while Cheryl and I sat on the front porch earlier this week. Today we have had another day of clouds and off and on drizzles...I think that I hear drips on the roof as I type...I think that it is more than just trees dripping...a very soft rain. Woody planted some grass seed today so this soft rain should be good for them...shouldn't wash them away. Woody walked six miles this morning. Later in the morning he did his normal Saturday routine of errand running. My main accomplishment of the day was cleaning all three bathrooms...not my favorite of the housecleaning that job is done at least for the time being. I also decided that I would transfer some pictures that I had on my iPad over to the laptop and onto the Passport hard drive where I store photos. That took a bit of maneuvering...but I finally figured out how to do it. I never planned to keep many pictures on my iPad, but somehow they have that I capture that others have taken...mainly of the children when they are off on their today I have done a lot of deleting of items that I have captured for one reason or another (sometimes it is just an idea of something that I might want to do...a sewing or craft or decorating idea) or moving photos that I wanted to save...rather time consuming. More evidence was erased today that we had company...I got the leaves that go in our kitchen table stored away again...probably till Thanksgiving. In some ways it seems like much longer than just Wednesday that Cheryl left to go back to AZ. Woody has done crossword puzzles, read, watched ball games, etc. today. It has been a pretty quiet day in our household.

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