Friday, October 23, 2015

Fun Day With Erin

It has been a fun and busy day. Erin fixed her own breakfast...I opted for a cup of hot tea. After breakfast, we cleared the kitchen table enough for Erin to do some drawing. Elijah joined her late morning as he had finished his school work for the week. He sat the longest time drawing several pictures and watching Erin draw hers. I had a nice surprise...a delivery from Fed order from Mood Fabric in New York, New York. Just about nothing better than a package full of to find the time and energy to get busy on several planned sewing projects for me. Woody went on a six-mile walk. When he got back lunch was just about ready. After lunch the boys came over for a little while again...this time Isaac and Joseph accompanied Elijah. After I had rested for a little while...long enough to rest my back so I would be ready for a shopping trip with Erin...I started a new book...found out one thing that I don't like about this particular book...NO chapters...there are parts and every so often some white space between one paragraph and the next. I like books with chapters...a goal is met every time that I finish a chpater. I guess you might have guessed that I finally finished the other book that I had been reading for so long. After my short rest, the boys headed home and Erin and I headed to town...two stops: Credit Union and WalMart. Once we got home it was time to start supper--Eggplant Parmesan. It is one of the recipes that takes a bit of time as there are many steps. We finally get it together and were eating after 6pm. While we were cooking the girls came over for a short time, they were counting the time till they would leave for a sleepover. Tonight it is just boys next door plus their mommy. After the girls left for their sleepover, all four boys came over...we were still cooking...but it was a time that Erin had some time that she could help them with their DS games. They left when we were ready to sit down to supper. We told them that we would call when we got finished...which we did. Erin, Graham, and Elijah are downstairs playing Pokemon or some such...with Erin giving them hints and info on how to play the game and get to next levels, etc. I am heading to my read the chapterless book, I guess. Woody has been playing Scrabble and now is in the family room reading and/or watching TV. Our fun day has tired this grammy out...a good night's sleep "should" revive me! Tomorrow=Liquid Gold aka chicken broth. And, by the way the Eggplant Parmesan was worth all the effort and time...Yummy! Yummy!

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