As the minutes on a clock turn into an hour, so turned another page on the calendar today. Our day at Vanderbilt went like clockwork today, too! Woody was called back for each of his three appointments early and each of them ended before their scheduled time. We were gone for "only" 5-1/2 hours today. Three of those on the road and only 2-1/2 for three appointments. Really amazing for a Vandy appointment day! I think that it may be a record for shortest total time, but I'm not sure and could probably look back through the blogs to find out, but think that I would rather spend my time doing something else!
We got into Dr. Wyman's office so quickly that the CT scan report hadn't gotten to him. He told us that he would call with the results and told Woody he would see him in six months unless something that he wasn't expecting showed up on the scans. So we made appointments for six months and headed out the door. Woody didn't really expect for Dr. Wyman to increase the time to come back, at least not yet. When January comes around and everything is status quo and Woody is still in remission...then the next appointment should be a year away.
We had been home less than thirty minutes and the phone rang and I couldn't get to the phone in time to answer it. But when I did get close I realized that it was Dr. Wyman leaving the good news that Woody continues to be in remission--what we expected to hear. God is good...all the time!
Happy August!
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