Monday, August 27, 2018

Take Me Out to the Ol' Fall Ball Game!

Today has been an interesting day of musical chairs er cars.  Woody walked four miles.  I guess that didn't involve a car!  School got under way, but I had to go get Joseph, as his mommy and daddy and Isaac had gone to pick up their camper that has had some work done on it.  (But according to Isaac they didn't end up getting the camper because the place wasn't open when they got over there.)  Woody left some time during my time with Joseph to go to the Life Care Center for Bible study and visiting.  I got a text from Kathy before Joseph's time was up that they were still out with Isaac so would I substitute in Elijah for his reading time.  That worked out well and Isaac got home and came over and read during Elijah's time.  Esther and Joy read in their usual times. Joy worked on making a drawstring bag to put the color bean bags that she is making for her Aunt Melany.  Joy's long time was cut a little short because her family needed to head to the church for lunch with the special missionary speakers and for the study after lunch.  Woody also headed off to church at little before noon. He brought me home his lunch since it didn't have anything in it that he could eat...well, maybe he could have eaten the bun on the chick-fil-a sandwich...but he left the sandwich whole for me! I stayed home to try to catch my breath!  I was really tired this afternoon.  Woody headed off to church for the next meeting with the visiting missionary couple close to 5:30pm.  I headed off at 6pm to pick up Graham at church to take him to his Civil Air Patrol meeting.  I swung back home and picked up a couple of cameras, a water bottle and my keys and wallet and waited till I thought that Elijah's ball game had begun...that way I avoided the traffic from the previous game.  I am used to going with Woody and forgot my stadium seat...but survived without it!  Woody kept score tonight.  I sat with Abigail down on the first row.  The rest of the family were up on the top row in the bleachers...I just am not always up to going up to the top any more and more times than not I sit on the first row and play it safe!  But that means that I can't get as good pictures as I can from up at the top.  Abigail was sitting talking to a little girl when I got there.  She introduced to me to the little girl and told me that she is in her class at Montessori.  I guess it has already begun for Abigail that she will find that she will see her students about every time she heads out in Tullahoma.  I know that it happened to me for the 27 years that I taught there!

Elijah's team lost by one point...they had gone ahead in the inning before by one run but it wasn't enough to stop the other team.  A good game all around!  There will be more musical cars tomorrow!

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