Friday, July 12, 2019

And, the 2nd Month Begins—Day 32

Here's a peek into a couple of the drawers...this is going to be my baking/mixing section.  I will have utinsels that I use for mixing and baking in the top drawer.  But at this point can't put things in the top drawers because I was told that it would be best to wait to put things in them till after the countertops are in.  So waiting patiently (?) for that to happen!  No countertop crew again today...have only had workers here one day this week.

Woody went to the grocery store for us early this morning.  It was nice to have the pantry to put things away in...much easier than putting them on a non movable shelf that is way down low...even if the pantry shelf is down low at least it rolls out and you can see where you want to put things away!  After Woody rested for a few minutes from getting home from our errands, he headed off to run errands with his friend.

Later in the afternoons, I was upstairs and I got an SOS from Woody.  I went downstairs to see what he needed and he had gotten some cauliflower ready to cook for Italian Cauliflower.  He had managed to find the pot to steam the cauliflower in and also the mixing bowl to put the cauliflower in, BUT he couldn't get the stove to turn on!  I gave him a lesson!  "Maybe" he'll remember how the next time!  We'll see!  I had a lot of dishes to wash after that cooking project.  Isaac came over and talked to me while I washed them and then he helped me carry them back downstairs and put them away.  "Things" are starting to find a place.  The places I have chosen to put them make sense to we will see if they make sense to Woody.  It is sort of like moving into a new house and everything is in a new place...forces new information into our old brains!

We have had several storms pass through that have given us rain.  We had one pass through that had some really loud thunder.  Found out later that one of the loud thunder booms was right over one of our across the street neighbor had a tree hit by lightning.  We had big trucks from the city utilities down there cutting up the limb/s that fell.  

Kathy and Elijah got home from kids camp that took place in Kentucky this week.  I got a hug from our now 10-year-old grandson.  I hadn't seen him since he turned 10 officially!  Looks pretty grown up if you ask me...another one with a double-digit age!  They are all growing up too fast! He and Karhy needed a tour of what had happened in the kitchen while they were gone...and, really quite a bit did happen on's just that advancement stopped on Tuesday and  we're back to treading water.  At least I can continue to put things away.  And, am doing that slowly, but surely.

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