Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Kitchen Finished...Except—Day 44

The finishing touches were done by 4pm today.  The "except" for the kitchen is for an electrician to come fix the problem that two big appliances are on the same circuit.  I feel like I can claim the kitchen as mine at this point!

This morning since I got a call from the painter saying that she wouldn't be here till mid afternoon, I went on and did some second angel food cake.  This one did come out better than the last one...last one didn't brown like today's did.  Woody bought some strawberries and wanted another angel food cake.  After that I have been trying to get ready for new floors in four places tomorrow.  I need to move some things out of the rooms and also need to clear a path down the hallway upstairs so the workman can got to the guest bathroom!  I'm pretty tired tonight, but trying to press on.  At the moment I am taking a break...blogging and watching Master Chef.

Woody spent the morning and afternoon watching the Mueller Hearings.  I heard some of it while I cooked and cleaned.

Late this afternoon, Woody and I headed off to Lowe's to purchase a toilet and some heat register covers and transition strips.  I think that is the last purchase that we have to make that a worker is dependent on us having here for him when he's ready. I hope...anyway!  That light at the end of the tunnel is getting closer!

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