Monday, April 27, 2020

Monday Rolls Around...Again...

The last Monday in April...can you believe it...and, we here in TN have spent the whole month sheltering at home.  Today restaurants were given the go ahead to open at a 50% capacity.  So I guess we are gradually getting back.  We didn't go anywhere today so I don't know if restaurant parking lots were covered up or not.

Today I did a little cleaning and got this week's washing started.  Have to go get a load out of the dryer if I remember after I blog!  I did manage to go through my multipage book list and redo it on the iPad.  So I actually have a way to check to see if I have read a book of not.  It has been funny as I type the names and authors of various books...some I know right away that I really liked reading them and I get a good feeling just thinking back to the story...even if I read it years and years ago.  BUT...there are some that I don't even recognize the title of the author!  I'm considering reading a
summary of some of the books and see if that gives my brain a jog!  1992 is the first year that I started keeping a yearly list.  I have over the years plugged in books that I read before that trying to recapture as many titles as possible.  After I got the list finished today.  I went over it with a fine tooth comb checking various lists to make sure that I have as complete as possible list.  Then I made PDF files and sent them to my laptop so I have them saved on that computer, also.  The lists aren't as compact as they were when they were a spread sheet list so at this point I don't plan to print it least not yet.  I may try to figure out how to consolidate the lists before printing out many pages.  But at the moment, I have them saved at least in two places as PDF files and then I have the working lists that I can continue to add to in my word processor app.  But I have a file that is up to date as of this moment...until I finish another book!

I've been checking series of books that I have read in the past to see if there are any added to them.  I
have quite a bit of catching up on several of them.  I won't run out of reading material for some time! Plus another e-book became available to me today.

We just got a call that Woody has an appointment this week for his anemia and B-12 shots...that one snuck up on us.  Good thing for reminder calls!  Also we finally got word that Woody's Vanderbilt appointments have been rescheduled for June...they were supposed to have been tomorrow.

Tonight's borrowed Coronavirus thought:

"Accept what it is, let go of what it was, and have faith in what will be." (Unknown)

Stay Safe...if things around you are opening you will...↩️
Stay Well!

Be wise and↩️
Stay Home really need to be out and about!

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