Monday, June 1, 2020

Hello, June!

Can you believe that June is already here?!?  Time flies when you are having fun...and even when you're not!  We have pretty much sheltered at home for the months of April and May and the last week or so of March and now here we are in June!  We continue to pretty much shelter at home...we've decided not to take any unnecessary chances.  I postponed my tooth being pulled...again...that is an easy postponement for me since my tooth isn't hurting!  Woody did go to a different lab here in town this morning for his lab work for his appointment with his nephrologist.  That appointment will be a live appointment via Nathan's phone later this week.  We have some appointments scheduled for next week that we have to decide if we are going to go to or reschedule.

Today has been a beautiful day.  I think maybe the last before humidity and temperature goes up.  I decided that it was THE day to finish cleaning our front porch.  I wiped off all the rockers and vacuumed off the pillows.  Woody is still working on the porch railing...but he wants it to be a hot day when he does that job.  So he will get that wish very soon...about it being hot!  He did sit out in the back yard for quite a while after he walked around and checked on the gardens.  He enjoyed his time outside.  In the afternoon we both sat on the front porch for a while.

Today I have also spent some time cooking.  I roasted another chicken and then sliced what was sliceable and then cut up the rest into pieces for soup or casserole.  I froze all of that for future meals. I still haven't totally gotten the kitchen cleaned up.  I will do that as soon as I blog and go back downstairs.

Be safe!
Be well.
Be cautious!

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