Thursday, July 16, 2020

Hip and Kidney Reports

The report from Wade's mom around 10pm last night was that she had broken her left hip. She had surgery this afternoon. And, from the last report she was doing as well as could be expected so soon after surgery. She is back in her room and Wade has gone to visit her (which is allowed in regular glad someone can be there with her!) They have already told them that she will probably go to rehab on Monday...might have gone sooner, but the weekend has to be factored in! Monday is the day she was supposed to move into her new assisted living residence. They have spoken to them and they will reserve her room till she is out of rehab. They are not sure where the rehab will be...they are hoping that it will take place in the rehab that is attached to the assisted living where she is moving...but...not sure that there is a bed there. Time will tell. At least her surgery is over and she is now in the healing process! And, we did hear back from Woody's nephrologist's office this afternoon. He said that looking over all labs, that he recommends getting the peritoneal dialysis (PD) catheter surgically placed so Woody will be ready for dialysis when the time comes. They made an appointment for Woody to see the surgeon next week. I will eventually remember the type of dialysis Woody is having! The catheter that Woody will have will be placed into the peritoneum, which is the lining of the abdomen. Blood is filtered naturally, via a peritoneal catheter, using the blood vessels in the lining the abdomen, the peritoneum. This is one of the ways that dialysis is done at home. There are no needles, and the blood never leaves the body. This type of dialysis is done daily...can be done during the night. The fact that this type of dialysis is done daily will allow Woody to have a more normal diet. Not that Woody really wants to go on dialysis...but once it is necessary then he looks forward to eating some of his favorite foods again! So I'm figuring that a new learning curve is about to be introduced to us...a new normal...or as someone has put it...a new abnormal! That can be applied to this new medical situation in Woody's life as well as what the pandemic has pushed us into...THE NEW ABNORMAL! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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