Friday, July 3, 2020

'Twas the Night Before the 4th

It feels like summer is here...quite warm and humid today and no rain.  Elijah got another squirrel today!  So new count is 39!  I checked with him a few minutes ago to make sure that I had the count right!

We spent time with Nathan on the front porch today.  He was doing some filming for a video he is doing for a church camp.  That is the way they have been hired this do videos for churches and camps.  He was talking about traps and using the squirrel as an example for his mini-sermon.  I gave him some still pictures of the squirrels raiding our feeders and he has worked them into the video with voice overs.  I guess lots of folk are having to get creative with what they do for a living!  They do have an in-person gig coming up in a week or an outdoors church event.

Wondering how schools are going to be handled this year.  Our neighbor grandchildren will continue as usual due to homeschooling.  Graham registered for on campus classes at this point three of those have turned into online classes.  Melany teaches in Rutherford County (Murfreesboro, TN) and she is waiting to hear how her school is going to handle the new school year.  Her doctor told her that she would need to wear a mask whether it is required or not.  She has Crohn's and is on an immunosuppressant drug.  She has two masks that I made.  Might need to make her some more!

I decided that I want some potato salad for 4th of July so am going to put it together after I publish tonight's blog.  Woody can't eat when it comes to making something just for me it is easy to put it off...but this time I think that I will make it.  I'm making a recipe that Melany shared with me several yeRs back: Lime and Thyme Potato Salad.  It is very refreshing...different than my usual potato salad. It isn't Woody's favorite so he won't be sad that he can't eat it!

Have a great 4th!
Be safe!
Be well!
Be cautious!

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