Monday, November 8, 2021


I guess the time change has me all confused! i just realized that I hadn't blogged yet and it is 9pm...which would have been 10pm when last I blogged! I just got busy while Woody was at Monday Night Furnace Room Prayer meeting. Once I get him in the car to head toward church on Mondays I go back inside and get his dialysis treatment set up so it is ready when we need to get it started. He comes home at different times so it can be necessary to start it pretty quickly if we need to head out in the morning for an appointment. And, in the morning, we do need to head out between 8 and 9 in the morning to get to Vanderbilt for his appointments. Usually he has his shake after he gets home, but tonight he had it before. That way we can get underway sooner as the kidney nurse suggested that we not start the treatment until about an hour after he has eaten. Tonight that would have put us getting started pretty late. This way we got it underway by 8pm so hopefully he will be finished in plenty of time for us to get out the door when we need to. The other reason that I forgot about blogging is that I needed to make a batch of Woody's sausage.. Usually I mix it together the night before and then cook it in the morning, but didn't want that task added onto what our basic morning routine. So I mixed and cooked the sausage...then there was clean up. I never sat down till just now...and, I am very ready for my recliner and the heating back is bothering me tonight...trusting that the overnight rest will have it feeling better! Will "try" to remember to check in tomorrow night to report on our Vanderbilt visit...sure that it will be a routine visit...lots of sitting in waiting rooms. Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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