Saturday, April 2, 2022

Batter Up!

Baseball season is underway for the Dorrells. We have two playing this year. Joseph is playing in Tullahoma's Little League. The pictures are thanks to Kathy at their opening ceremony this morning. The blue arrow points at Joseph. I believe that Joseph is playing coach pitch. Elijah's team has started practicing, but won't get underway with games till May. He has aged out of Tullahoma's Little League so he is playing on Manchester's Youth League. They have both been enjoying their practices. Joseph's games will get under way on Monday. Woody and I both have stayed home today. Woody did his usual crossword puzzles and his newest word game interest: Wordle. I have started playing Wordle, too and also work the USA Today crossword puzzle. I often start that crossword puzzle while I am waiting on Woody's to print out. I became aware of Wordle when several of my friends started putting their daily results on I decided that I needed to check it first I was checking it out for Woody, but I ended getting drawn into it. Wordle is found on the New York Times website. The object is to guess a five letter word in six tries. You put in a five letter word and when you enter it you are told if the letter is right and in the right place (square turns green) or if the letter is right but in the wrong place (square turns gold) or if the letter is wrong (square turns gray). Then you proceed to guess a second word using what you learned with the first word. The object is to guess the right word before your turns run out...6 guesses. The other day I got the word in two tries...a definite fluke. I am usually able to guess by the sixth...I think that since I have been playing I have only struck out twice. Anyway, we both enjoy playing this. Woody also attempts Quardle...4 different words...I tried that one...never figured it out. I will stick to Wordle. I was told last night at my virtual reunion by Randi about one where there are eight words. She plans to send me that information so Woody can try it. Besides word games, I also worked on tomorrow's Sunday School lesson which I will be teaching. I had put the finishing touches on that by lunch time. After lunch time I had fully intended to do some sewing. Well, once again, naptime won out over sewing time! Lately I'm just not good for doing much after whatever I end up doung in the morning. This morning Woody was ready to be disconnected from his dialysis machine and then the manual drain done when I fot downstairs. This way he got to eat breakfast at a fairly decent hour. His breakfast has gotten later and later lately due to him choosing to wait till he has had that final drain. He often has what we cal brunch, it ends up happening so late. Hus dialysis is underway tonight hoping that it will be finished in plenty of time before church in the morning. There is no way to know for sure exactly how long it will take each night...last night right at 9 hours, but some nights this past week it has been closer to 11 hours...and we know no rhyme nor reason as to why sometimes it takes so long and why sometimes it takes a lot less. Last night he had no alarms...but we can't seem to control number of alarms either. We do know that sometimes he sleeps through alarms that tell him he is draining slowly so rhat does slow things down as he doesn't move around to get the draining going a little faster. Let's just say that everyday on dialysis is a learning day or a scratch your head day or just glad that it went quicker. We just take the days as they come...nothing else to do! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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